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Today's Top Stories:

Navy officer recalls ‘day of infamy’
Preston Gatten was swimming through the oil-soaked ocean as he watched ship after ship burn and sink behind him on Dec. 7, 1941. The Sun City resident had been onboard the USS California when two torpedoes hit the ship below the water line and shattered all the ballroom-style lights that crashed to the ground. The explosion caused the pipes in the petty officer’s washroom to explode, killing those in its path as they were singed with boiling water and pressed steam.

Presses will roll during open house
There are dozens of reasons to drop by the Daily News-Sun offices between 8 a.m. and noon on Saturday: giveaways, raffle prizes, entertainment, refreshments and a chance to celebrate the paper’s 50 years of serving the Sun Cities. But the biggest draw is likely to come in the form of 45 tons of steel and power.

Carla Majaskie, right, of Pacific Animal Production shows the crowd her laughing Capuchin monkey named Mojo Jojo at the Surprise Recreation Campus Saturday. Below, Keleigh Sackett, 3, enjoys a pony ride with Athena Dinh, 3, left, at the Fifth Annual Surprise Party. Daily News-Sun /PETE PALLAGI


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