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Bowling Scores
This form must be used to submit any bowling scores to be published in the Daily News-Sun. Bowing score will be published in the sports section of the Daily News-Sun every Tuesday.

The deadline for submitting completed forms is 5 p.m. Thursday the week before the scores run in the newspaper.

Please follow the instructions carefully to ensure your scores are published accurately and promptly.
Name of league/Bowling center:
Date of game or series:
Use commas between names and scores, with the score following the name. When more than one person has the same score, put the score only after the final name.
High game or series. Limited to five names only with first initial and last name. More than five names are allowed if more than on person bowls the same score.



Comments, questions, or mention of a particular accomplishment by bowler or a bowling team:
Name of league secretary:
Submitted by phone:
Submitted by:
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